And so is Kendra Cunningham. I love her blog. Today she’s talking about muffins. I can’t eat muffins. I cant eat gluten. Yes, I am your annoying friend who eats gluten free break and gluten free pasta and gluten free everything and doesn’t even miss gluten until someone (Kendra) writes a blog post about muffins. Then I am like, “Damn, I miss muffins.” But, seriously, a chocolate chip muffin? That’s not a muffin, it’s a cake shaped like a muffin. It’s actually a giant cupcake without frosting so you feel like you can eat if for breakfast. Not that I fault anyone for wanting to eat one, but at least the blueberry kind you can justify because they have fruit in them.
Read what Kendra has to say in her blog and subscribe to her newsletter. Better yet, check out her stand up routine, she is hysterical. And bring a snack. Maybe some Cheez Its.
Or a muffin…