This challenging and fun program will help doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, psychologists, and any beginning student who want to learn to work with issues around sexuality, human behavior and couples, including desire and arousal issues, function and dysfunction, infidelity and monogamy, stress and compulsivity, communication and passion. Attendees will learn up to date research, real life clinical cases and interventions.
All lectures will be taught by top experts recognized in the field of human sexuality both nationally and worldwide, including Dr. Gail Guttman. Dr. Guttman is an approved provider of Continuing Education for the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).
Held at : The Chicago School of Psychology / 901 15th Street NW, Washington, DC
Day One : November 5, 2015: Sexuality and Couples Counseling – Sex, Desire Dilemmas and Countertransference
Day Two : November 6, 2015: Sexuality and Healing – Sex, Affairs, Monogamy and Relationship Therapy
Day Three : November 7, 2015: Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR)
You may register now for the SAR and/or the Sex and Couples Therapy days. If you register for all three days you will receive a significant discount.
Tuition : $450 for 2 days; $559 for all 3 days; $395 for SAR only
Register by Oct 10th (tomorrow!) : $425 for 2 days; $550 for 3 days; $350 for SAR only