Recently the World Psychiatric Association has released statements on LGBT and gender identity rights that includes condemning the therapy that some professionals still practice called “conversion therapy.” It is a type of psychotherapy practice that in this day and age can only be seen as barbaric. The WPA claims it is harmful and the Human Rights campaign and the APA have issued statements that it may violate ethical treatment. Conversion therapy is a type of counseling that shames a person into believing that their gender identity and sexual orientation can be changed through psychotherapy and that it is somehow pathological. This type of counseling is socially irresponsible and many times psychologically detrimental if not downright harmful to clients who undergo the sessions.
As therapists and doctors, we as a community have an obligation to ‘do no harm’ and to go one step further in these cases, to be sure that no other professional is harming our clients as well.
Psychiatrists have a social responsibility to advocate for a reduction in social inequalities for all individuals, including inequalities related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
The actions suggested in this statement include promoting equal access to health care, decriminalization of orientation and gender identity, as well as condemnation of conversion therapies.
I’ve discussed the dangers of conversion therapy models in past posts. There is no evidence in favor of these therapies, and it is proven they can be harmful patients subjected to them. The Human Rights Campaign and American Psychological Association have both issued statements supporting affirmative therapies in order to maintain ethical treatment.
The WPA’s full statement can be found here. I sincerely hope as organizations continue to take a stand we are able to move toward a future where LGBT individuals have equal rights and are able to live without constant fear.