Smart guys will hide or destroy all evidence, but there are a few signs that can’t be destroyed.
The number one sign that someone is cheating on you is your intuition. Listen to your gut. It usually will steer you in the right direction.
However, your gut’s not necessarily foolproof. After all, you might be confusing fear and insecurities for intuition. If you’re not sure, consult these 6 Signs He’s Probably Cheating on You from Women’s Health Mag including a common but surprising one:
Sudden over-the-top sexcapades. Sex may have always been good, but now he is flopping you all over the bed and sweat is pouring down his face and he is holding his iPhone over your shoulder to take pictures of your behind in the mirror. The erotic charge of sleeping with two people at the same time is also a huge turn-on—one that he might be getting off on at your expense.