There has been a lot of debate and controversy over whether monogamy is natural for humans. Evolutionary psychologists have theorized that sexual monogamy is counter-intuitive to propagating our genetic qualities and is therefore not a natural instinct for our species. The growing rate of infidelity and divorce seems to support this idea. But is perfect social, sexual, genetic monogamy truly the best relationship for everyone’s mental health and the greater good of humankind? In this article on Samantha from DivineCaroline discusses the debate surrounding monogamy and infidelity.
To know more about what monogamy means and how to regain trust, romance, and intimacy after infidelity by redefining the monogamy contract, be sure to pick up my new book The New Monogamy. Available for pre-order on Amazon and B&N. The New Monogamy includes questionnaires, checklists, and candid questions for partners to welcome complete honesty and trust into the relationship.