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Emotional Affairs

I interviewed Peggy Vaughan today on the weekly Imago think tank. Peggy is the author of a great book called “The Monogamy Myth.” She talked today about emotional and online affairs. One great quote from her talk today is

“Emotional affairs are just affairs that have not become sexual yet…”

Online affairs become emotional affairs very rapidly, because of the false sense of intimacy created by talking screen to screen instead of face to face. Peggy said that 56% of online affairs moved into real time contact within one week.

Her advice is to be honest with your partner about your online relationships. An affair begins the moment you lie or hide it from your partner.

Are you hiding something from your partner? Dont ignore the attraction or interest in another – talk to your partner and let them know you want to stay close and be bonded with them. Decide what kind of transparency is appropriate for both of you as a couple.

Dont wait until there is already an issue. Sit down with your partner and talk today.

For more info go to or write me directly at

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