Linda and Charlie Bloom hit the nail on the head with their HuffingtonPost article After the Honeymoon Is Over. Relationships require effort and self-awareness, yet our culture teaches us that true love should be effortless.
“What if the object of relationships was not to eliminate or even minimize conflict but to work with it in an effective, responsible and conscious way? What if each breakdown that occurred between you held the seeds of the possibility of becoming a more loving and wiser person? What if your experience of your relationship had more to do with you than it did with your partner? What if there were no mistakes or wrong choices in the selection of a mate, and you really do have the perfect partner for the lessons that you’re in this relationship to learn?”
If you’re bored or unsatisfied in your relationship, or wanting to start over in a New Monogamy, it’s time to look at your contributions to the relationship and to your own happiness.