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November 6, 2012: A historical day for women and sexual freedom

Election day this year was a historical day for women’s rights and marriage equality for all. President Obama supports equal pay, freedom to marry, and wider access to healthcare, with less restriction on women’s reproductive rights.  We were able to demonstrate with our votes on election day that we dont support candidates who carelessly demonstrate ignorance and discrimination. Women voted in record numbers last week, and it shows in the results. We will not stand for repression or discrimination in the workplace, or when it comes to our bodies, or in our bedrooms.  We understand the power that we place in our politician’s hands. We, as a nation, told the GOP that no one can tell us what is acceptable for our health and for our future.

Debra L. Ness’s Huffington Post article, “A Good Day for Women, A Good Day for the Country” shares the the historical importance of the 2012 election. I definitely recommend reading it and sharing it.

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