One of the reasons I became a Sex Therapist was that for many years I was working as a Couple’s therapist and trying desperately to help couples survive the rocky terrain of marriage and long term committed partnerships. I found myself in graduate school, in post-grad trainings and certificate programs, and seeking out licensure programs looking for someone to teach me how to work with couples to make long term monogamy work.
How could I help couples maintain a passionate, more alive relationship when they neglected their partner, when they lived in conflict, when they felt no desire for one another? And you know what I learned? Nothing.
Most graduate programs taught zip about desire, or about passion, and none of them ever talked about sex. In fact, they all taught that if you fixed the relationship, the sex would take care of itself. I disagreed with all of them. I found that the opposite was true – if you help a couple with their erotic life, many things in their relationship would fix itself. And so I wrote the book Getting the Sex You Want; Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together, which combines sex and good couples therapy.
Because of this interest, I pursued a degree in Sexology. In fact, I got my PhD. Now, many years later, as a Certified Sex Therapist and a Supervisor and a CE provider and trainer for other Sex Therapists, I am finding a whole new problem. Sex Therapists know nothing about Couple’s Therapy. Yes, they know about Erectile Dysfunction. Yes, they can talk a good game about open marriage, or BDSM or LGBTQ rights. But not many of them have been trained in good Couple’s work. How to work with a couple is different than when an individual sits in your office.
Couple’s work is hard. It is important. And probably the most crucial of all psycho-therapeutic dilemmas when it comes to sexuality – because we are working with the primary dyad, a couple. I am saddened and confused when I hear from sex therapists that they have never been trained in basic couple’s therapy skills.
So now I am determined to teach what I know and what I have learned over my many years of education and teaching throughout the world and around the country.
Join me, and many other skilled practitioners, as we venture into the world of SEX AND COUPLE’S THERAPY TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION. Come learn from the experts; those who are in the trenches and know what it’s like at the cross roads of sexuality and couple’s work. Come train with us and learn from the best. But come quick, registration is limited – we have small classes in intimate settings for the highest educational benefit and learning.