Have you ever dreamt of writing a book?
Join me for a FREE TELESEMINAR on how to write and be a published author
Tuesday September 4th 12:00-1:00pm EST, one hour
Do you have a dream, maybe a story in your head, or a manuscript hidden in your bottom drawer? Do you have a stack of nonfiction books next to your bed and wonder how those authors got published, when you could probably write a better book?
I have a great plan for you. I can help you write your book. It’s time to break through your resistance, start your project and get those words on paper. In this FREE teleseminar we will explore how to begin.
I am working on a new book today that I am excited about. But, I will tell you a secret about that book…it is hard to find the time to write. If you have doubts, time management issues, or writers block, I can help, because I have been there.
And I overcome the problems using techniques I have developed over the years. I will share these tips with you. And that’s only the beginning. I have many ideas, connections and cutting edge ways for you to get your ideas out into the world.
In this FREE teleseminar we will talk about how to focus on your idea, how to break through your writers block and how to get your ideas into the world. What does the publishing world look like today?
This teleseminar is FREE Sept 4th, so register now! If you can’t attend LIVE this course will be recorded. You need to sign up today. ATTENDANCE is limited.
Don’t be shut out – only a few spots left – join me for a FREE teleseminar at 12pm EST. Yes, invite your friends, but hurry and sign up now. Registration closes at 11am EST tomorrow!
One, Getting started,
Two, Staying focused,
Three, Getting published.
This FREE course will help you:
identify what you want to write,
learn tricks to break through writers block
get a sneak peak at the new face of modern publishing.
If you would like to attend the free teleclass, please register now.
And bring a FREE guest by having them register now.
And watch for your WRITING AND PUBLISHING welcome letter with your number to call in for your first class, SEPTEMBER 18th, at 12pm EST, with your unique PIN#, and all the info you need to start on your Writing and publishing dreams!
Other students who have taken classes with me are saying:
“I loved the way you took my questions and then created a way to answer those questions, with examples, in the group. Your feedback was targeted specifically for what I needed to do now, and what I needed to do next. Thank you for helping me get launched Tammy. I now have the confidence to complete this project. This was an amazing class and you are an amazing teacher and resource. I look forward to working with you in the future.” – Ralph Butcher, MFT
Contact me with any questions, but sign up today!
This teleseminar is only offered Sept 4th, so register now! If you can’t attend LIVE this course will be recorded but only if you sign up by 11am on Sept 4th. But registration is limited, so sign up today. Don’t be shut out – this is a FREE teleseminar and we start at 12pm EST. Invite your friends, you will each receive a unique PIN# to call in at that time. But hurry and sign up now.