Narcissism in a partner can create emotional and behavioral patterns in a couple. Wendy Behary, the author of Disarming the Narcissist is an expert in treating the defenses and creating leverage to avoid power struggles in the treatment of couples where our own countertransference is triggered.
In this 3 hour course, we will show you how to use cognitive restructuring, re-parenting work, attachment and behavioral-skills training. Through experiential techniques you will learn how to assess hot buttons and manage triggered reactions like aggression and anger toward the partner in the session and at home.
We will share strategies for working with couple clients where narcissism impacts clients and therapists. Each teleclass session will integrate questions and cases from participants.
In this 3-hour, 3-session course, we will meet three consecutive weeks for 60 minutes each time. There will be information for practitioners at all levels of interest.
Class starts October 21 – less than a month away! Register here to listen live or download the recording and listen on your own time.