I’m thrilled to announce that Talli Rosenbaum will be joining me for another informative teleclass on the evaluation and treatment of Female Sexual Function.
This course will cover three important areas of multi-dimensional assessment of female sexual functioning including theory, medical and therapeutic interventions, and holistic treatment and collaboration. Using the diagnostic criteria in current edition of DSM and ethical sex therapy practices we will review cases, provide clinical observations and give feedback for cases submitted from participants throughout course.
Bringing in special guest lecturers each week, Talli Rosenbaum, MSc., PT, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist will share her clinical experience and expertise.
Week One we will cover Basic Anatomy & Physiology of Female Sexual Function | Our expert guest speaker will be DR. IRWIN GOLDSTEIN, Director of Sexual Medicine, Alvarado Hospital, San Diego, Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of California San Diego
Week Two we will explore Sexuality & Sexual Functioning in Adulthood including Childbearing years | Our expert guest speaker will be DR. LEAH MILHEISER, Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Director, Female Sexual Medicine Program at Stanford School of Medicine
Week Three will focus on Sexuality & Aging Issues, including Menopause | Our expert guest speaker will be DR. MICHAEL L KRYCHMAN, Executive Director the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine, AASECT Certified Sexual Counselor, Certified Sexual Therapist, Sexual Medicine Gynecologist
$99 before December 20th, 50% off for students and Israeli registrants.
Contact tammynelsonasst@gmail.com for discount details.
