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Book Recommendation: Wired for Love by Dr. Stan Tatkin

by Stan Tatkin, Psy.D., MFT

Wired for Love boils down complex neurobiology, attachment, and arousal regulation theory into plain talk about the realities and challenges of adult romantic relationships. Although this book is been written for the lay reader, therapists have found it very useful for understanding the problems facing present day long-term relationships and provides a language for communicating this understanding to individual patients and couples. The author, Dr. Stan Tatkin, Psy.D., MFT, is a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of A Psychobiological Approach To Couples Therapy® (PACT) which integrates neuroscience, infant attachment, arousal regulation, and therapeutic enactment applied to adult primary attachment relationships. He maintains training programs in California, Colorado, Washington, Texas, New Jersey, Canada, Spain, Turkey, and Australia. In addition to his private practice, he teaches and supervises first through third-year family medicine residents at Kaiser Permanente, Woodland Hills, through which he is an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. He is co-author with Marion Solomon of Love and War in Intimate Relationships: Connection, Disconnection, and Mutual Regulation in Couple Therapy from Norton’s Interpersonal Neurobiology Series and author of Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain Can Help You Defuse Conflicts And Spark Intimacy from New Harbinger.

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