Hilary Clinton recently announced she is running for President. Many people still remember when Bill Clinton was President and had his infamous affair with Monica Lewinsky. Hilary chose back then to stay with Bill. Did they really get past the affair? They seem happy enough in public. Perhaps they really are.
It is true that many couples can get past an affair and move on — some are even happier as a result. It can force them to work on their marriage and discover what led to the affair, leading them to become closer and more connected.
As a psychotherapist and author of several books, including one about infidelity and monogamy, I see many couples who have gone through the crisis of an affair. Couples come to me who have lost hope, who are frustrated, angry, feel betrayed and sometimes already have one foot out the door. After an affair, many couples come in ostensibly to save their marriage, but with a hidden agenda — to drop their partner off and check the imaginary box that says they tried therapy. Yet, these couples may feel hopeless and have already given up on their marriage. Like most people, they doubt that a relationship can survive infidelity.
In my latest blog for HuffingtonPost, Is it Possible to Get Past an Affair? I looked at the latest research on infidelity, the moral dilemma of monogamy, and the three stages of recovery after an affair.