I invite you to join me online in October for a special presentation for GoodTherapy.org members. I will guide you through five essential strategies for helping couples facing separation and divorce, introduce a process for healing with intention, and provide interventions that facilitate couples as they navigate each stage of the process. You will learn clear and effective treatment strategies to apply in your work with couples as they determine how to proceed and to help them move toward a healthy separation when necessary.
Drawing upon my years of experience, we will look at case examples and evaluate contemporary treatment intervention strategies. You will acquire empowering techniques that will serve you and your clients as they intentionally and conscientiously close their relationships after infidelity, allowing all of you to avoid experiencing further trauma, chaos, or feelings of failure.
This intermediate, instructional level web conference is designed to help clinicians:
Define how to end a relationship with integrity and describe the importance of closure after an affair.
List five essential strategies in facilitating intentional divorce therapy after infidelity and explain how the process can be healing for couples.
Explain how partners collude with the narrative that leads to divorce, how healthy dissolution can be achieved, and how separation does not necessarily imply treatment failure, but can, in fact, help each person move toward a healthy individual and family life.
Describe the process for healing shame and helping couples move toward decision making, facilitate intervention, improve communication, work through grief, and cultivate a new vision for the future.If you have any questions or would like more information, please see the event listing on GoodTherapy.org: An Intentional Divorce After An Affair