A couple gets divorced in the United States every 13 seconds. Therapists in general tend to view divorce as a failure in the therapy process. This paradigm is incorrect. Divorce can be one of many transformational processes to get unstuck. By “stuck” we mean the unconscious collusion that happens between a couple that leads them into crisis and rupture. In the process of becoming conscious, one path to consciousness for the couple can be what we call an “intentional” divorce. For some couples this particular path makes sense. We will explore intentional, conscious choices as a spiritual path especially given our culture’s emphasis on immediate gratification, pleasure centered choices, low values on long-term committed relationships, and ideas like “a fresh start” and “trying again.” What does it mean to start over?

A two-part live teleclass with Wendy Patterson & Dr. Tammy Nelson – Jan 30 and Feb 6, 2014 from 3:00-4:30p EST
Listen live or download the teleclass and listen at your convenience.
Participants will learn a new paradigm of the divorce process with couples where effective consciousness raising can lead to a healthy and sound decision to end a marriage, and a clear intentional ending.
Save $50 on registration before January 15th!