Your friend calls you in the middle of the night, crying. She sniffles and barely manages to say, “He did it again. He cheated!” You hold your breath because you aren’t sure what to say. You want to say the right thing. However, what comes out may be the the worst thing you can say.
Right now, your friend or loved one is in a crisis. They just found out that their partner cheated. Sure, there are things they want to hear. And you want to say them, because you want to comfort your friend. And you want to let your friend know that you are there for him or her in their misery. But trust me, if you say the wrong thing now, it could come back to bite you later on. And some things you say could be even worse — you could lose your friendship forever.
Do you want to really help them? Here are the things you should never say to a friend who’s been cheated on.