Kendra Cunningham is a great stand up comedian I know here in the NY area. And she’s pretty articulate when it comes to relationships. I wanted to share her blog with you today. Because its funny.
Cross Examiner Extraordinaire
I’ve definitely inherited this leery makeup. Especially with men. I don’t trust them. Particularly the ones who have sex with me. The minute a guy has sex with me he becomes the prime suspect in an undefined investigation pioneered by moi’. I should really just be direct and administer a post coital statement:
“You are officially under investigation. I am about to make it my mission to collect enough evidence to prove that you are not only a liar and a cheat but an all around son of a bitch. I’m on the case. Now you may be a nice guy, maybe, but I’ll comprise a case that’ll make your mother question your character. Every conversation will be an interrogation whether it feels like one or not. Consider yourself under surveillance and act accordingly. This in no way means I don’t want to continue seeing you but it does mean I’ve got my eye on you, buddy, and, make no mistake, this is gonna be a battle every step of the way. C’mere and cuddle with me. C’mere you! You’re so cute. Look at you.”
See how I play good cop, bad cop?
You gotta keep ‘em guessing.
One day it’s a bed a roses the next day it’s a shakedown.
My special boyfriend chair:
My crazy ex!
If you see this guy- let me know
Thanks for listening!
Kendra is a stand up comic living in Brooklyn where she owns a super comfortable bed. She spends most of her time wondering where the hell her sugar daddy is and hoping he didn’t settle.
For more Kendra go to and
Facebook her today!
Dr Tammy