Is present day sex research shortchanging most of us by asking the wrong questions? Yes, says Dr. Ogden, who asserts that there’s much more to great sex than just physical performance.
Dr. Gina Ogden, award-winning sex therapist and author of The Return of Desire and The Heart & Soul of Sex, appeared on VoiceAmerica’s Radio Network to convey that there’s much more to great sex than just physical performance. She discussed Creating Sexual Flow-Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit and her ISIS Wheel of Sexual Experience. The ISIS Wheel is an innovative template that opens access to the full range of sexual issues: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
On the “Extatica” radio show Dr. Ogden invites us into her ISIS Wheel of Sexual Experience, which offers a template and a practice for creating integration and flow-at any age, straight or gay, with or without a partner.
A recording of the show is now available in Ellen Eatough’s Content Library at, on the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel for on-demand and podcast download.
Find out more about Gina on her website www.expandingsextherapy or at ISIS Network