I’d like to share a piece from one of the students in the current writing and publishing group, published in Psychology Tomorrow’s online magazine: Robyn Vogel’s Choreography of Tantra in Therapy
Just a snippet:
It’s beautiful to witness miracles in my office every day: in person, over the phone, video conferencing. Working with couples combining psychotherapy with Tantra philosophy and practice is magical. Staying connected and loving after a while is hard for couples. For good reasons, our creative, erotic, life-force energy turns from each other towards things like growing children, satisfying work, and aging parents. Resentments build easily when life is moving at such a fast pace. Couples need skills to navigate the rough terrain, and they specifically need intimacy skills. Traditional talk therapy can provide part of what’s needed but not all. Tantric intimacy provides the rest.
A beautifully written piece weaving together her client’s experience and her own intentions as a therapist combining Tantra and IMAGO to help couples reconnect and heal. Congratulations Robyn!