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Expanding Monogamy: Living in Groups

Brene Brown says it’s easier to connect when we are vulnerable and reveal ourselves to another. Esther Perel speaks about how our spouse has become our primary source for many of our emotional needs. And yet at one point in history, in the past, we lived in communities, sharing our lives and resources with a village of our peers. Even today, all of our relationships profoundly effect our journey and if we are awake and aware, we can feel that there are many “soul mates” in our lives, not just one. We have friends, peers, colleagues, that we may feel emotionally connected to; the ones that feel familiar, that love us and support us, that are in our “soul group.”

Who is in your modern-day village? Dougall Fraser, life coach, calls this idea of group connection a “soul group” and describes it as “the inner most circle of people in your life.”

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