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A Statement from Tammy Nelson, Ph.D., Director of the Integrative Sex Therapy Institute (ISTI), abou
The staff and faculty at the Integrative Sex Therapy Institute (ISTI) have been carefully monitoring the news around the repeal of Roe...

Revisiting Parenting & Transgender Youth
(Editor’s Note: This post contains updated information related to Resources for Parenting Transgender Kids from May 13, 2016.)...

Reversing the Bathroom Order
Trump’s recent action to rescind former President Obama’s school bathroom order has put our transgender and gender nonconforming (TG/NC)...
Being Transgender in Prison
Robert contacted me, frantic. His fiancée, Paula, is currently serving time in a southern state prison, and has so far served four months...
Loving Someone Who Is Transgender
Last week, Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner, came out with her new docudrama, I Am Cait. It follows her journey through her...
Gender is not binary, but on a spectrum and fluid
Richard Friedman, in his article in the NY Times this past Sunday, August 22, 2015, How Changeable is Gender? says that, “The prevailing...
Interview With Grace; Transgender Rights and SCOTUS
My latest blog for Huffington Post in my series on Transgender Men and Women; And the People that Love them, Work with them and Fight...
Celebrating freedom (to form family) this July 4th!
After the historic Supreme Court decision on marriage equality June 26th, many families across our nation are celebrating their freedom...
Marriage Equality is not the end of the road for LGBTQ Equality
Our nation is celebrating the right for couple couples to marry this week, but the fight for equality is far from over. LGBTQ people face...
Being Transgender: The Words That Hurt
Vanity Fair’s recent photo spread in the July issue shows the new Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, with a cover photo of...

Caitlyn Jenner’s debut: Being transgender is not a choice – Wearing a fake persona is
Vanity Fair announced yesterday that they will be releasing a photo spread in their July issue of the new Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known...
Bruce Jenner’s gender identity goes public
The gossip world has been a-buzz for months speculating about Bruce Jenner’s gender identity. Celebrity gossip in and of itself can be...
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