Like so many of you, I was both saddened and outraged by the recent tragic events in Charlottesville. I am still confused by the President’s lack of moral clarity in condemning the violence.
The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) has recently released a very clear official statement regarding these events.
As a member of AASECT, I am aligning with the values that the organization is standing with in the statement. I stand against racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, and domestic terrorism, as well as violence of any kind.
Here is the entirety of their Statement:
On behalf of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), we are heartbroken, disappointed, outraged, and horrified by the recent displays of racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, and violence in Charlottesville. We recognize that white supremacy is not limited to this historical time or place. We also recognize that bigoted actions such as those displayed have deep and lasting impacts on us all, including our students, patients and clients. As sexuality educators, counselors, and therapists, we want to re-iterate our core values described in our Vision of Sexual Health where we note: “AASECT also opposes all abuses of sexuality including, but not limited to, harassment, intimidation, coercion, prejudice, and the infringement of any individual’s sexual and civil rights.” While this particular statement pertains to sexuality, we want to be clear that AASECT opposes all forms of harassment, intimidation, coercion, prejudice, and the infringement of any individual’s civil rights. Black lives matter. The racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism and other messages and acts of violence cast toward communities of color and faith communities must end. People of all faiths, genders, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and abilities have human rights, and those rights must be respected. As an organization, we acknowledge that our journey for cultural competency and progress will never end because there is always more to learn, teach, and share. We care deeply and are committed to continuing to address these issues, and living our values, in our own work. As an organization that represents therapists, counselors, and educators, we are committed to the work of helping everyone understand the cultural and historical impact that bias, discrimination, racism, and trauma have on personal, psychological, sexual, and emotional experiences.
AASECT Board of Directors & AASECT Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
August 2017